Funk Roberts, Author at Onnit Academy Wed, 23 Aug 2023 20:14:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 8 Metabolic Conditioning Workouts for MMA Fighters Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:57:00 +0000 Strength + Cardio = Dominance If you’re reading this right now,  you are someone who wants to take their training to the next level and find the most efficient ways to reach your optimal fitness goals. As an …

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Strength + Cardio = Dominance

If you’re reading this right now,  you are someone who wants to take their training to the next level and find the most efficient ways to reach your optimal fitness goals.

As an MMA conditioning coach I understand that combat fighters are some of the best conditioned athletes in the world. The intensity of fights are non-stop and one mistake can lead to defeat.

As important as skill training is, if you don’ t have the strength and conditioning to utilize your skills, then you are useless.

Developing peak overall physical condition is the ultimate goal while training for power, explosiveness, strength, speed, agility and muscular endurance.

This is where metabolic conditioning workouts step up to the plate and deliver.

You don’t need to be an MMA athlete to gain the benefits from these workouts. This type of training has become popular with fitness enthusiasts who want to improve their VO2 max, strength, power, and agility while burning fat and building lean muscle.

What Are Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon) Workouts?

Metabolic conditioning workouts use exercises that burn lots of calories during your workout and keep the body burning calories after your workout ends. They usually involve the entire body, short periods of rest and are designed to push the limits of your body to build strength and endurance while getting toned. The workouts below are some of the toughest and most challenging exercise plans on the planet, which means you, will improve your overall conditioning fast.

My metcon workouts are a mixture of burpee variations with strength, plyometric, core and abs movements. Each circuit consists of 10 exercises; five are burpee variations and the other five are strength exercises.

Each metabolic conditioning workout is full body and will target the following movements:

Kettlebell or Compound Strength Movement
● Abs or Core
● Lunge or Squat
● Push or Pull
● Press

The burpee variations will also consist of these movement as well, making metabolic conditioning the ultimate workout.

The metabolic circuits consist of power training, plyometrics, strength and conditioning, cardio, muscular endurance and core development.

These metabolic circuits will help you improve your overall fitness – using your Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Barbells, Medicine Balls, Stability Balls, Resistance Bands, Sandbags and other fitness equipment to jack up your metabolism, burn body fat and improve your overall work capacity.

The bi-product is usually a strong, lean and ripped body.

Finally metabolic circuits will test you mentally and push you to your physical limits. Be prepared for battle and DO NOT QUIT!

Metabolic Conditioning Workout Instructions

Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise for 60 seconds followed by a 15 seconds rest one after the other with no rest in between.

Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for 3 Full Rounds.
Workout Time = 41 minutes.

Warm up before and stretch after this workout.

1. MMA Metabolic Conditioning Workout

Exercise List

1. Side-to-Side Kettlebell Swings
2. Alternating Single Leg Burpees
3. Alternating Abs Bicycle Kicks
4. Plyo Push Up Burpees
5. Zercher Forward Lunges
6. Dumbbell Burpees
7. Barbell High Pulls
8. Speed Climber Burpees
9. Dumbbell Punches
10. Burpees

2. MetCon Exercises for Strength and Conditioning

Exercise List

1. Heavy Kettlebell High Pull Swings
2. Burpee Sprawls
3. Rotational Mountain Climbers
4. Side-to-Side Slalom Burpees
5. Dumbbell Side to Side Lunges
6. Double Burpees (2 Push Ups and 2 Prisoner Jump Squats)
7.  Stability Ball Roll Ups
8. Grasshopper Burpees
9. Ground and Pound – Alternating Dumbbell Rows
10. Burpee Speed Thrusters

3. Metabolic Conditioning Exercises – Metabolic Monster

Exercise List

1. Dumbbell Deadlift Curls
2. Slalom Burpees
3. Abs V-Ups
4. Double Knee Tap Burpees
5. Dumbbell Step Ups
6. Double Push Up Burpees
7. Hand to Hand KB Depth Rows
8. Quad Thrust Burpees
9. Alternating Side to Side Lateral Raises
10. Alternating Kick Thru Toe Touch Burpees

4. MetCon Workout for BJJ and Grapplers – Submit to Nothing

Exercise List

1. DB Clean And Press
2. Burpee Kick Thrus
3. Alternating Knee Hip Thrusts
4. Rotating Burpees
5. Goblet Lunge
6. Bunny Hop Sprawls
7. Inverted Rows
8. Rolling Burpees
9. SandBag Shouldering Side To Side Cleans
10. Burpee Thrusters Speed

5. Muay Thai/Kickboxing Metabolic Conditioning Workout

Exercise List

1. Alternating DB Swings
2. Mountain Climber Burpees
3. Stability Ball Knee Strikes
4. Med Ball Thai Power Thrust Burpees
5. Alternating Jump Knees
6. Burpee Switch Kicks
7.  Speed Push Ups
8. Tuck Jump Burpees
9. Shoulder 15’s
10. Alternating Burpees Knees

6. MetCon Workout for Fighters – Sucker Punch

Exercise List

1. Heavy Kettlebell Swings 36 KG.
2. Regular Burpees
3. Abs V-Ups
4. Alternating Knee to Chest Push Up Burpees
5. Dumbbell Thrusters – 30 lbs.
6. Alternating One Leg Kick Back Burpees
7. DB Renegade Row – 30 lbs.
8. Plyo Lunge Burpees (Jump Lunge Burpees)
9. Kickouts
10. Tuck Jump Burpees

7. Bodyweight Metabolic Conditioning Workout

Exercise List

1. Pull Ups/Chin Ups
2. Overhead Clap Burpees
3. Side-to-Side walking Plank
4. Sprint Burpees
5. Alternating Reverse-forward bodyweight lunge
6. Alternating Side jump burpees
7. Dive Bombers
8. 8-Count Burpees/Leg Split Burpees
9. Plyo Push Ups
10. Double Jump Squat Burpees

8. Gauntlet MetCon Workout

Exercise List

1. DB Deadlift and Curl
2. Pull Up Burpees
3. Bench/Floor In and Outs
4. Everest Climber Burpees
5. Alternating Barbell Lunges
6. Double Burpee Thrusters with Jump
7. Alternating DB Chest Press
8. Burpee Plank Raises (Bridges)
9. DB Front Raise
10. 6 Count Burpees – (Burpee – Push Up – Jump)

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10 Spartan Warrior “300” Workouts Wed, 11 Nov 2015 15:15:22 +0000 When the “300” movie came out, I was so impressed and fascinated with the physiques of the actors portraying the spartan warriors…especially King Leonidas (Gerard Butler). I don’t remember any other movie having the amount …

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When the “300” movie came out, I was so impressed and fascinated with the physiques of the actors portraying the spartan warriors…especially King Leonidas (Gerard Butler).

I don’t remember any other movie having the amount of actors with such incredible physiques.

“When describing the workout, it is more accurate to say that it requires strength, power endurance and aerobic fitness, as it is generally a person’s inability to continuously produce the power needed to do the movement over and over again.”

With the release of the movie, Mark Twight of Gym Jones released the fitness test he used for the actors called the “300” workout. So, of course I had to try it and oh, was it brutal. On paper it looked easy, but actually going through the workout was such a humbling experience.

Because of Mark Twight’s training plans, many of the actors went from being around 40 pounds overweight to lean, mean fighting machines…in a matter of months.

In Twight’s own words about the routine he created…

“When describing the workout, it is more accurate to say that it requires strength, power endurance and aerobic fitness, as it is generally a person’s inability to continuously produce the power needed to do the movement over and over again.”

The original workout is done in circuit fashion which consisted of 300 reps. You go from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between.

The aim is to complete all of the exercises in the fastest time possible with the goal of beating that time in subsequent workout sessions.

My Own Variations of the 300 Workout

Top 10 Spartan Warrior “300 Workouts”

The workouts have their own unique set up. Some follow the original 300, while others are different.

Your goal is to complete the 300 reps in the fastest time possible.

Are you ready for the challenge?

These workouts are not for the faint of heart or beginner fitness enthusiast. You have to be ready for war!

These workouts can be integrated into your overall training regimen, used as challenge circuits once in a while, or if you are a trainer or coach, you can put your clients and athletes to the test.

Regardless of how you use these 300 workouts you will burn fat, build lean muscle, increase your strength endurance and get the mind set that will propel you into the best shape of your life.

Whether you’re using your own bodyweight, kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, suspension trainers or unconventional equipment there is 300-workout challenge for you in mind!

The great thing about these “300” workouts is that you can use them as warm ups for your main training or as finishers after you regular workout session.

Prepare for Battle and Get It Done!

300 Workout #1: Zombie Apocalypse 300 Workout

Exercise List

1. Barbell Deadlift and Curl – 50 reps
2. Knee to Chest High Planks – 40 reps (20 reps per side)
3. Bulgarian Split Squats – 30 reps (15 per side)
4. Chin Ups – 30 reps
5. Abs Spring Ups – 50 reps
6. Barbell Chest Press – 50 Reps
7. Burpees – 50 Reps

300 Workout #2: Med Ball 300 Workout

Perform each exercise one after the other for the prescribed reps. Do not move to the next exercise until you are complete all reps of the movement.

Exercise List

1. Med Ball Reverse Lunges – 50 (25 per side)
2. Med Ball Side to Side Plyo Push ups – 25 Reps
3. Med Ball Russian twists – 25 Reps
4. Med Ball Jump Squats – 50 Reps
5. Med Ball Climbers – 50 Reps
6. Med Ball RDL – 50 reps–(25 per leg)
7. Med ball Burpees – 50 Reps

300 Workout #3: Bodyweight 300 Workout

Perform each exercise for the prescribed reps as fast as you can.

Exercise List

1. Abs – In and Outs – 25 reps
2. Jump Squats – 50 reps
3. Pike Push Ups – 25 reps
4. Kick Ups – 50 Reps
5. Burpees – 50 reps
6. Clapping Push Ups – 50 reps
7. Mountain Climbers – 50 reps

300 Workout #4: Dumbbell 300 Workout

Perform each exercise with little to no rest in between. Make sure to time how long it takes you to Get It Done so you can beat your time later!

Exercise List

1. Racked Front Dumbbell Squats – 40
2. Alternating DB Floor Press – 50 (25 per side)
3. DB Renegade Rows – 30 (15 Per Side)
4. DB Jumping Lunges – 40 (20 per side)
5. One Arm Push Press (Right) – 25
6. One Arm Push Press (Left) – 25
7. Bent Over Staggered Rows – 30 reps (15 per leg)
8. Goblet Jump Squats – 40 reps
9. DB Swings – 50 reps

300 Workout #5: 300 Ab Workout

Perform each exercise for 50 reps one after the other as fast as you can. Make sure to keep time so you can attempt to best yourself next time. (Alternate exercise in paranthesis)

Exercise List

1. Prisoner Squats (BW Squats) – 50
2. Close Grip Push Ups (Push Ups) – 50
3. V-Ups (Flutter Kicks) – 50
4. Rotational Burpees (Burpee – No jump) – 50
5. Jumping Lunges (Forward Lunge) – 50
6. Plank Builds (Plank Body Raise) – 50

300 Workout #6: Spartan 300 “Bulletproof” Weighted Vest Workout

Perform each exercise one after the other as fast as possible while maintaining good form.

Use a weighted Vest that is challenging.

Exercise List

1. KB Snatches – 50 reps (25/side)
2. Kick Outs – 40 (20 per side)
3. Medicine Ball Slams – 40
4. One Arm Kettlebell Swings – 25 (per side)
5. Renegade Row Push Ups 40 – 20 (per side)
6. KB Thrusters – 40
7. Burpees – 40

300 Workout #7: Burpee 300 Workout

Perform 50 reps of each exercise for time. Alternate exercises are in parentheses.


1. Burpee Thrusters (no Jump) – 50 reps
2. Burpee Jumping Lunges – 50 reps
3. Spiderman Burpees – 50 reps
4. Side-to-Side Plyo Burpees – 50 reps
5. Pull Up Burpees – 50 reps
6. Mountain Climber Burpees (4 Mountain Climbers and Jump) – 50 reps

300 Workout #8: Barbell 300 Workout

300 Workout Barbell Edition. Great challenge workout to help build muscle, strength endurance and mental toughness.

Perform each exercise for the prescribed reps one after the other with little to no rest in between. Make sure to time how long it takes you to Get It Done!

Exercise List

1. Floor Chest Press – 40 reps
2. Jump Squats – 30 reps
3. Cleans – 30 reps
4. Floor Windshield Wipers – 50 reps ( 25 per side)
5. Bent Over Rows – 30 reps
6. Push Press – 40 reps
7. Power Barbell Sprawls with Curl – 40 reps
8. Deadlift – 40 reps

300 Workout #9: Brutal Beatdown MMA 300 Workout

Complete each exercise one at a time for the prescribed reps. Rest when needed to maintain good form.

Exercise List

1. Sprawls – 100 reps (Full body explosive movement, cardio and functional)
2. Rotational Mountain Climbers – 300 Reps (Core Strength, Rotational Power, Shoulder Stability)
3. Jumping Lunges – 100 Reps (Lower Body Plyometric movement, Explosiveness, Lactate Threshold)

300 Workout #10: Combat 300 Workout Challenge

Perform each exercise for the prescribed reps one after the other taking minimal rest. The goal is to get through the workout as fast as you can.

Advanced Version (VIDEO)

1. Single Kettlebell Swings – 20 per arm
2. Pull Ups/Chin Ups – 20 reps
3. Ninja Tuck Jumps – 20 reps
4. Tornado Push Ups – 20 per side
5. Alternating Single Leg Power V-Ups – 20 reps (Left and Right = 1 rep)
6. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge to Plyo Jumps – 10 per side
7. KB Clean and Press – 10 per side
8. Mountain Mules – 40 reps
9. Pistol Squat or One-legged Squats – 10 per side
10. Power Plank – 20 reps
11. One Legged Burpees – 40 reps

Intermediate Version:

1. 2 Arm Kettlebell Swings – 40 reps
2. Chin Ups/Inverted Rows 20 – 20 reps
3. Jumping Squats – 20 reps
4. Push Ups – 40 reps
5. Abs Bicycle Crunches – 20 reps
6. DB Lunges – 10 per side
7. DB Clean and press – 10 per side
8. Mountain Climbers – 40 reps (Left & Right = 1 rep)
9. Assisted One Legged Squats – 20 reps
10. Plank Builds – 20 reps
11. Burpees – 40 reps

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Top 10 Core Exercises for MMA Fighters Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:11:57 +0000 Core development is an essential physical attribute for any MMA, martial artist, combat, or sports athlete. Dedicated fighters understand its importance in increasing explosive power, improving overall strength, maximizing mobility, reducing stress on the body, and …

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Core development is an essential physical attribute for any MMA, martial artist, combat, or sports athlete. Dedicated fighters understand its importance in increasing explosive power, improving overall strength, maximizing mobility, reducing stress on the body, and minimizing your injuries.

The unfortunate thing is that core training is often overlooked by most combat athletes or they minimize core training to basic plank exercises. If you want to achieve superior fitness and improve overall athletic performance then you need to prioritize exercises designed specifically to build a stable core into your strength and conditioning program.

In this article we will look at what the core is, its function, and benefits to combat fighters and athletes using the best bodyweight core exercises that you can introduce into your workouts immediately.

What is the Core?

10 Best Core Exercises for MMA Fighters

The core is a collection of muscles, which stabilize, rotate and move the spine. Close to the spine and deep inside the abdomen is the inner core, which is composed of the diaphragm, pelvic floor, multifidi, deep cervical flexors, and transverse abdominis. These strange-sounding muscles engage first during movement or breathing to protect the spine.

The outer core muscles are also responsible for stabilizing and protecting the spine, and include the lats, spinal erectors, glutes complex, and hip flexors. The anterior muscles (abdominals) are the most well known members of the outer-core assembly.

The Function of Core Exercises for MMA Fighters

The core works as one unit, stiffening to protect the body and to transfer force from our lower body to our upper body during athletic movements. The core is also the most important factor for transferring explosive power. When your core muscles are weak, then your nervous system puts a HALT to any explosive movement as a protective mechanism to support the spine.

This means if you are throwing a strike or a kick, your energy will not make it into your strike. Also, when you have insufficient core stability, it will set you up for injury and limit your mobility.

If your core is strong when your fist lands, the force of your strike will transfer through your opponent. Generating a knockout punch, thanks to the strength of a stable core. The force generated from the legs and through the core during a Judo throw, is one example of this.

A strong and stable core also allows the body to function as an integrated unit and compete the throw with force.  If the core is weak, the bridge will collapse and the extremities will, in turn, be weak.

A Muay Thai clinch is another move where core stability is vital. Your goal being to deliver knees, elbows, and throws to keep your opponent in check. You need to develop your core stabilization strength to better take advantage of this position.

Having good rotational and anti-rotational core strength is important as well. Let’s take grappling for example, when your opponent wants to pass your guard by throwing your legs to the side, if you have good core strength, it can help you repulse the guard pass.

Rotational strength will also help with striking when you rotate from your hips and shoulder to add extra speed. A Strong Core Improves Athletic Performance.

The muscles of the trunk and torso stabilize the spine from the pelvis to the neck and shoulder, they allow the transfer of power to the arms and legs. All powerful movements originate from the center of the body out, and never from the limbs alone. You need to develop a stable spine defore any powerful, rapid muscle contractions can occur in the extremities.

Basically, every athletic movement that a combat athlete needs to perform needs the use of a strong core.

Core Exercises that Improve Athletic Performance

10 Best Core Exercises for MMA Fighters

Now that you understand the importance of developing a strong core, let’s take a look at the type of exercises that will help you to achieve this. I am going to show you the top bodyweight core exercises so you can see that you don’t need any fancy pieces of equipment or weights to achieve a rock solid core.

Anti-Flexion and Core Stability Exercises

The goal of anti-flexion exercises is to resist flexion or bending through the lumbar spine. The key when performing these movements, however, is to keep your low back neutral and squeeze your glutes at the midpoint of the movement. Exercises like Planks and Back Extensions can help.

Anti-Extension Core Exercises

The goal of anti-extension exercises is to resist extension through the lumbar spine. You must keep the spine neutral and do not allow your lumbar spine to overextend. Exercises such as the Ab Wheel,  Stability Ball, and Bodyweight Roll Outs are good examples.

Anti-Lateral Flexion Core Exercises

The goal of anti-lateral flexion actually is to resist lateral flexion, or side bending, through the lumbar spine. The key is to lock your spine into place and not move it. Using exercises like Side Planks, Farmers Walks, or just holding a dumbbell in one hand for time without allowing side bending is great.

Anti-Rotation – Rotational

With anti-rotation exercises, the goal is to resist rotation through the core and lumbarspine. The key here is to lock the core down and not allow any rotation through the core and lumbar spine. Exercises like the Pallof press or Anti-Rotation bag holds are great exercises. For rotational exercises the goal is to rotate through the thoracic spine. These movements can help with general mobility and striking power. Exercises like Medicine Ball Throws, Band Rotations or Tight Rotations are great.

Hip Flexion

Hip flexion exercises need to be done with a neutral spine, without rounding the lower back. The goal of these exercises is to keep your core and low back in a neutral position, while simultaneously flexing your hips. Performing exercises like Jackknifes on a stability ball and Hanging Leg Raises can help.

What Are the Best Bodyweight Core Exercises?

Core exercises are most effective when they engage many muscles throughout the torso that cross several joints and work together to coordinate stability.

Core muscles need to work as a unit, contract at the same time, across different joints in order to stabilize the spine. Some of the best core exercises are simple bodyweight exercises.

Top 10 Core Exercises for MMA Fighters

Not everyone has access to equipment that many core exercises and movements are used with. But you can get incredible results from just using your bodyweight and the right core exercises to develop strength and stability. Start all exercises with your bodyweight and then progress to resistance, advanced, or unconventional exercises.

Check the 10 Best Bodyweight Core Exercises for Athletes and non-athletes a like. If you want to develop a solid core structure to help improve performance, increase power, and develop overall strength, then start implementing this exercises into your weekly training.

  1. Bodyweight Hand Walk Outs – Anti-Extension Exercise
  2. Push Up Plank Alternating Shoulder Touch – Anti-Flexion and Core Stability Exercises
  3. Short Back Bridge – Core Stability and Hip Flexion
  4. Tight Rotations – Anti-Rotation – Rotational
  5. Bird Dog Variations – Anti-Lateral Flexion Exercises
  6. Side Bridge or Side Plank – Anti-Lateral Flexion Exercises
  7. Plank Bodysaw– Anti Extension
  8. Dead bugs – Anti Extension
  9. Hip Thrusts – Hip Flexion
  10. Hanging Leg Raises – Hip Flexion

So now you have an understanding of how important core training is to your overall athletic performance as a combat athlete, start dedicating core training session into your overall strength and conditioning program.

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