Travis Brewer, Author at Onnit Academy Fri, 02 Oct 2020 23:15:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tarzan’s Favorite Core Exercises Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:47:23 +0000 Summary In today’s information age, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the excess of fitness knowledge on the internet. Everyone is looking for the most cutting edge fitness routine or trying some new age …

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In today’s information age, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the excess of fitness knowledge on the internet. Everyone is looking for the most cutting edge fitness routine or trying some new age bio hack to get ripped to shreds.

When, in all likelihood, you jump from one program to the next spinning your wheels getting nowhere. In reality all you need is your bodyweight and nature.

Look at Tarzan! He is jacked and didn’t have any high end gym equipment or scientific meal plan. He swung around on trees and lived off of what nature gave him.

Well, we have a few core exercises that will leave your abs cut so deep that you could play washboard in the Splash Mountain Band; best of all you only need your bodyweight and a tree branch.

Core Exercise #1: Feet to Hands

Feet to Hands core exercise

Feet to Hands is a great lower core exercise. Simply hang from a bar or tree branch in this case, and extend your lower body all the way towards your hands. Touch your feet to your hands, return and repeat.

Core Exercise #2: Hanging L-Sit

Hanging L-Sit Core Exercise

Another great exercise for building your core is the L-Sit. These are usually performed on dip bars or parallettes, but if you want to bring up the difficulty level perform these from a hanging position. Hanging, rather than holding yourself up, creates a deeper stretch in your core, making this exercise that much more difficult.

Core Exercise #3: Inverted Sit Ups

Inverted Sit Up Core Exercise

Inverted Sit Ups might be the most advanced core exercise of all. They are performed exactly like they sound, hang upside down and perform a sit up. Inverted Sit Ups are a very difficult core exercise, so be sure you are ready to attempt or you could seriously injure yourself.

The post Tarzan’s Favorite Core Exercises appeared first on Onnit Academy.
