Let’s cut to the chase here.
If you truly want to transform yourself into a complete badass, it’s going to take more than just a “wish” or “resolution.”
You see this happen every year at New Years…
The time when people start to drop this and that.
Time for a “change” they say…
The gyms fill up with new faces.
People get motivated.
They set goals.
They get started and then…
They miss a session here, slip up on their nutrition there, and then BOOM!
Back into the same old routine as they were in before.
Filled with excuses for this, excuses for that…
Sound like something that happens to YOU?
Hopefully not.
But here’s some TRUTH about “Resolutions.”
It’s said that 85-90% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions FAIL to ever hit these “goals.”
What ever these goals might be, people come up short and typically end up in the SAME spot they were in before they got started or they end up even worse off than before.
Because most Resolutions are a bunch of BULL SH*T.
They don’t work.
What does work is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not some short term goal?
Because for YOU to achieve complete CHANGE and RESULTS, you need to focus on TRANSFORMING yourself from the inside out.
To do this, you need to focus on a few KEY things…
Weight Loss Transformation TRUTH #1 – For Total TRANSFORMATION – Understand That There’s Is No “Magic Secret” To Getting Results.
There are no real “get-results-quick,” or “easy-push-button” programs out there.
There is, however, a LOT of hyped-up, phony stuff out there that will SAY “easy”…
But the TRUTH is, only good ol’ hard work, commitment, and dedication will get you to where you want to go.
The real secret to doing it fast is with following a SMART and PROVEN PLAN (see the attached plan with this article)
If there were anything you could call “easy,” that would be it: To follow in the foot steps of what someone else has done before to achieve SUCCESS.
To follow a PROVEN System or PLAN that has been shown to work over and over again when HARD WORK and COMMITMENT have been put into place.
Simple right?
While that might be, I’m still not sure as to why so many people refuse to accept this truth.
Maybe because they get blinded and fooled by all of the FAKE, hyped up sh*t that’s out there.
Hey, I know how easy it is to be fooled…
And even if people do follow a plan, the reason for failure then typically isn’t due to the plan being in-effective.
No, it’s usually because the HARD WORK and COMMITMENT to EXECUTE were NOT there.
Excuses where probably there more than anything which all brings me into KEY #2 which is…
Weight Loss Transformation TRUTH #2 – You Must BE Committed to “THE PROCESS”
If you want to change…
If you want total transformation, you MUST embrace the “process”.
In fact, you need to FALL in LOVE with the Process.
This is the day-to-day life that YOU live.
You know, “The Grind,” “The Daily Hustle.”
While it’s important to set goals with DEADLINES in order to have a set start and end point (which I’ll talk about next), you must realize in order to attain continued and lifelong SUCCESS, the “process” of getting yourself better NEVER ends.

You should also have the ability to climb, crawl, sprint, and jump. These are primal movements. Obviously there are hundreds, if not thousands of different variations for each of the basic bodyweight training movements out there, but no matter what, all of them come back to being able to perform the basics.
There will be ups and downs.
Where most people fail is thinking things are nothing more than a “quick fix.”
Take a bath once, and you’ll be clean for life right?
Not so much…
Losing weight, getting strong as hell, ripped to shreds, and being able to perform at peak levels…
To maintain these results, you need to continue to train hard day in and day out.
You need to continue to eat right day in and day out.
Just like you need to bathe day in and day out (or at least I hope you do)…
It’s never-ending, but it doesn’t have to be something that scares you away.
In other words, DON’T run from “The Process.”
Don’t fight it.
Know that it’s the exact thing that makes YOU who you are.
Fighting through the struggles of life is a part of the deal.
EVERYONE has to deal with these things so why fight it?
Because without CHALLENGE, there will be NO Change.
The everyday things YOU do…
It’s all apart of the PROCESS.
So enjoy the freaking ride baby!
Make it a LIFESTYLE.
Weight Loss Transformation TRUTH #3 – Set DEADLINES
The worst thing you could ever do when chasing a goal is to go after it without first setting a specific start and end date.
I hear it all the time.
Person A – “I’m going to do X.”
Me – “Awesome, when do you want to ACHIEVE X by?”
Person A – “Um, sometime down the road I think…”
That right there is primed for failure from the get-go.
Not always, but most of the time when a goal is set without a DEADLINE, it’s DOOMED to fail.
NO Accountability.
For example, inside my 6-Week FREAK, you gotta make every day count.
You can’t waste a single one.
Everything is laid out day by day, session to session.
The plan is already laid out and completed for you.
So when you start, you have a targeted end…
Without a start or end date, you’re doing things blind, without structure or FOCUS.
For a full transformation to occur, you must have these things in place.
ake them very SERIOUSLY.
Weight Loss Transformation TRUTH #4 – JOIN A TEAM
I for the longest time was making the BIG mistake of trying to do everything on my own.
“If it was up to be it was up to me,” was a quote I lived by.
Unfortunately, I took it a bit too seriously in thinking that I had to do everything on my own.
While I still live by that quote, I’ve come to realize just how POWERFUL having a team around you can be in regards to getting you even further ahead in life.
While it still ultimately up to YOU to get sh*t done, you can always have help along the way (and serve as help as well).
The TRUTH is to never underestimate the power of community in getting yourself faster results while also in staying on track with your progress.
You DON’T have to live life on your own.
When you have people around you with the same positive thoughts, goals, and aspirations as you, that’s when you become almost unstoppable.
**The complete opposite can happen if you surround yourself with the WRONG people**
Just know when you have the right community of people to work with, you’ll be held to a higher standard and never allowed to quit.
When you find the right community, it’s like FAMILY.
Strength in numbers truly makes a difference in results.
So if you want TOTAL TRANSFORMATION, be sure to attack your goals as a group or with a team.
Teams are always stronger than an individual.
Just looks at how Navy SEALs operate…
No SEAL is one, they all work and succeed as a TEAM.
And NEVER be afraid to ask for help, and to use your community as your support network.
I really can’t stress just how powerful and important it is to have yourself a team.
Don’t be an “alpha” ego-dominant type of person and try to be on your own all the time.
As much as you may want to deny it, you can always use some help.
Now, let’s just say you’ve been challenged by a friend.
This friend bets you can’t transform your body in just six weeks.
And to add to it, he says you can’t do this without the use of a full gym.
You say, “it’s on!” and accept the challenge.
And to add to it, you’ve also agreed that you’ll NOT have to step foot in a “gym.”
Because in all honesty, you won’t even need a gym.
Instead, you’re going to take the “unconventional” route.
In comes, “The 6-Week FREAK”
To transform quickly, and without the use of a full gym, there’s going to be some unconventionalism you’ll have to be willing to accept.
You’ll be transforming yourself from the inside out through the use of bodyweight, some kettlebells, a battle rope, and some steel clubs.
The kettlebells will be an excellent way to build strength, capacity, and overall athleticism.
Aside from KBs being a great tool for building all around strength and conditioning, their versatility is almost second to none compared to other strength tools out there.
In addition to KB’s, we’ll be building a lot of strength, power, and athleticism through progressively designed bodyweight training as well.
Pull ups, push ups, squats, jumps, sprints…
We’re going to be hitting the body from all angles.
In addition to the bells and bodyweight mainstays, we’ll be implementing rope work and steel clubs.
Ropes can get brutal and are a punishing conditioning tool that’ll not only forge full body stamina, but will also build up mental toughness.
If you’ve never trained with steel clubs, you’re missing out big time and you’ll be in for a nice treat within the program. While they might look “easy”, they’re nothing of the sort.
Besides being extremely punishing to the grip, they force the body to work as one by challenging your balance and coordination.
Try getting what you’ll get from a set of steel clubs from a machine at some gym…
Not going to happen.
They’ll serve as an excellent sidekick to our kettlebells and ropes to enhance all of the attributes we’re building here.
This is going to be an exciting journey.
It’ll be an adventure leading you into some serious “unknowns.”
Because as I have mentioned above, CHALLENGE brings change.
So get ready to welcome it all in, Especially if you’re a bit new to some of the tools we’re going to use.
Because truthfully, if you’ve been sticking to the “regular” stuff that most gyms have to offer, you’ve been missing out.
Chances are there are going to be some holes needing to be filled.
But no worries, because with the arsenal of tools we’ll have to play with, it’ll all take care of itself.
So buckle up, get ready for a ride and attack this thing hard for 42 days.
But be forewarned…
This is an AGGRESSIVELY designed program.
It’s not called, “6 Week FREAK” for nothing.
Movements will progress quickly within every “2-Week Block” s, o if you’re not ready for that level of advancement, it’s totally OK.
You can always stick to a “2-week block” longer than what the prescribed length of time calls for.
For instance, if you feel you’re not ready for the next 2-Week Block within the program, repeat the current 2-week block for anywhere up to 1 to even 4 more weeks focusing on consistent progression ahead.
“Progression” meaning…
● Increases in loads being used for movements
● Decreases in rest periods between movements and rounds
● Increases in movement difficulty
● Increases in reps being completed for “sub max”
● And just overall “feeling” (when you know you’ve gotten better at a movement, you know)
With this being laid out, you can turn this “6-Week Challenge” into a 12 to even 18 Week Challenge if you want.
The most important focus overall is your overall PROGRESS.
6 Week to Freak Program
==== Weeks 1-2 (Block #1) ====
***You’ll hit the SAME workouts for both week 1 and 2 focusing on progression***
Day 1 – Baseline Week
1A. Single Arm “Dead Start” KB Power Clean x 5 reps / arm x 4 rounds.
***Full stop at the bottom of each rep to re-set – no “touch and go” momentum allowed.
1B. Bear Crawl x 30 ft forward / 30 ft backwards x 4 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movement.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
2A. Hand Release Push Ups x submax x 4 rounds.
2B. Battle Rope Recline Row x submax x 4 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movement.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
3A. KB Goblet Pause Squat x 10 reps x 3 rounds.
3B. Hanging Strict Knee Tuck x 10-15 Reps x 3 rounds.
***2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
4A. Battle Rope BIG SLAMS x 5 rounds of 20 secs of WORK / 20 secs REST Intervals.
4B. Battle Rope Alternating Slams x 5 rounds of 20 secs of WORK / 20 secs REST Intervals.
***Alternate between the two rope variations each round.
***Take a FULL round off in between rounds 5 and 6.
Day 2
1A. Single KB Push Press x 5 reps every 30 Secs x 6 rounds (12 rounds total).
***Alternate Arms each round.
***Heaviest as you can go.
2A. Single Arm KB Strict Press x 6, 6, 4, 4 reps x 4 rounds.
2B. Strict Pull Ups x submax x 4 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
3A. Single KB Rack Loaded Walking Lunge x 10 steps / side.
***Switch sides after 10 total steps.
3B. Steel Club Alternating Pull Overs x 30 secs x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2.
4A. Hand Over Hand Rope Pull x 50 ft x 3 rounds.
***Wrap your Battle Rope around a pole or tree.
4B. 10 Burpee To 6 Inch Target x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***ONLY 45 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2.
● Spend at LEAST 15-20 mins on mobility / soft tissue work (preferably MORE if you have the time)
● A light bike ride, swim, row, ect is totally fine
● Nothing too intense
Day 4
1A. Double KB Deadlift x 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6 reps every 2 mins x 12 mins.
***Ascending loads if possible
1B. Standing Broad Jump x 3 reps every 2 mins x 12 mins.
2A. Single Arm Start-Stop KB Snatch x 5/Arm x 3 rounds.
2B. Wall Walk x 3-5 x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2.
3A. Double KB RDL x 8 reps x 3 rounds.
3B. Steel Club 2-Hand Lateral Sit and Drive x 15 / Side x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2.
4A. Single KB Goblet Thruster x 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps for time.
4B. Single KB Russian Swing x 20 reps for time.
***Alternate between the 2 adding 2 reps to the Thrusters each round.
***Focus is to BEAT your time in Week 2 that’s set in Week 1.
Day 5 – Sprint / Core Day (Optional)
1A. Sprinter’s Warm Up
***Click For Demo
2A. Hill Sprint x 30-50 yards x 6-10 rounds.
***Rest as needed in order to keep intensity near 100% on each sprint.
3A. Steel Club 2-Hand Alternating Side Press x 10 reps / side x 3-5 rounds.
3B. Hollow Rocks x 20 reps x 3-5 rounds.
OR… you can choose to move Day 5 to either of these days if you decide to rest and extra day during the week.
===== WEEK 3-4 Block #2 =====
Day 1
1A. Double KB Complex x 3 reps x 5 rounds.
1B. Double “Dead Start” KB Power Cleanx 3 reps x 5 rounds.
1C. Double KB Hang Cleans x 3 reps x 5 rounds.
1D. Double KB Hang Squat Cleans x 3 reps x 5 rounds.
***Do all 3 “Dead Start” KB Power Cleans then go right into 6 Hang Cleans – all unbroken
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
2A. KB Push Ups x submax x 4 rounds.
***Use the KB Handles to elevate your hands off the floor.
2B. Single Arm Bent KB Row x 8-10 reps / side.
***Little to no rest between movements
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
***Increase to 5 rounds in week 4.
3A. Double KB Front Rack Pause Squat x 6 reps x 3 rounds.
***2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat
3B. Hanging Leg Raise x 10-15 reps x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 4
4A. Battle Ropes Inward Circles – 3 Rounds x 30 secs of WORK / 15 secs REST.
4B. Battle Rope Slamming Jacks – 3 Rounds x 30 secs of WORK / 15 secs REST.
***Alternate between the two rope variations each round.
***Take a FULL Rounds OFF In Between Rounds 3 and 4.
Day 2
1A. Single Arm KB Hang Clean to Push Press x 5 reps Every 45 secs x 6 Rounds / Arm (12 Rounds Total).
***Alternate Arms each round
***Heaviest as you can go
2A. Single Arm KB Strict Press x 5, 5, 3, 3 reps x 4 rounds.
***Looking to INCREASE loading set from Week 1 and 2
2B. Strict Pull Ups x submax X 4 rounds.
***If getting over 10 reps consistently, do moderately weighted pull ups for 5-6 reps
***Little to no rest between movement
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
3A. Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge x 8 reps / Leg x 3 rounds.
3B. Steel Club Single Arm Swing x 15 reps / Side x 3 rounds.
***Do BOTH sides between moving to Pull Overs
3C. Steel Club Alternating Pull Overs x 45 secs
***Little to no rest between movement
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
4A. Plank + Rope Pull x 50 ft / Side x 3 rounds.
***Wrap your Battle Rope around a pole or tree.
4B. Burpee Broad Jumps (Jump and Turn) x 12 reps x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2.
● Spend at LEAST 15-20 mins on mobility / soft tissue work (preferably MORE if you have the time)
● A light bike ride, swim, row, etc is totally fine
● Nothing too intense
Day 4
1A. Double KB Deadlift x 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6 reps every 2 Mins x 12 Mins.
***Ascending loads if possible
1B. Standing Broad Jump x 3
2A. Single Arm KB Snatch 10 reps / Arm x 4 rounds.
2B. HSPU x submax x 4 rounds.
***Regress to Pike Press if need be
3A. Double KB RDL x 8 reps x 3 rounds.
3B. Steel Club 2-Hand Side Swing x 15 reps / Side x 3 rounds.
4A. Double KB Thruster x 1-5-1 reps of each x 3 rounds.
4B. Double KB Russian Swing x 1-5-1 reps of each x 3 rounds.
***Do 1 of each, then 2, then 3, etc to 5 then back down = 1 Round
Day 5 – Sprint / Core Day (Optional)
1A. Sprinter’s Warm Up
2A. “Gassers” x 4 rounds For MAX Intensity
***ON A Football Field = Sprint Sideline to Sideline x 2
***Rest as needed to keep intensity near 100% on each sprint
***Focus is NOT to let your times increase each round
***Increase to 6 Rounds in Week 4
3A. KB OH Carry x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
3B. KB Rack Carry x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
3C. KB Farmer Walk x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
***Switch arms and repeat on the other side
OR… you can choose to move Day 5 to either of these days if you decide to rest and extra day during the week.
==== WEEK 5-6 Block #3 ====
Day 1
1A. Double KB Power Clean x 1 reps x 5 Rounds Of Double KB Chain – 5 Cycles Through.
1B. Double KB Squat Clean x 1 reps x 5 Rounds Of Double KB Chain – 5 Cycles Through.
1C. Double KB Hang Power Clean x 1 reps x 5 Rounds Of Double KB Chain – 5 Cycles Through.
1D. Double KB Hang Squat Clean x 1 reps x 5 Rounds Of Double KB Chain – 5 Cycles Through.
***Goal is to go ALL UNBROKEN.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase loading in Week 6 if possible.
2A. KB Renegade Push Ups x sub max x 4 rounds.
***Use the KB Handles to elevate your hands off the floor.
2B. Double KB Hang High Pull Ups x 10 reps x 4 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Keep it at 4 Rounds for Week 6 – Increase Load and Reps if possible.
3A. Double KB Front Rack Squat x rep cluster x 3 rounds.
***Cluster – do 3 solid reps, then rest x 10 secs and repeat until all clusters are finished = 1 Round.
3B. Side To Side Strict Hanging Leg Raise x 10-15 reps x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements.
***60-90 secs rest between rounds.
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 6.
4A. 5 Rounds Through 20/20/20’s
***20 secs of WORK / 20 secs WORK / 20 secs REST
1st Round – Battle Rope BIg Alternating Waves
2nd Round – Battle Hip Toss
3rd Rounds – FULL REST
Day 2
1A. Double KB Push Press x 5 reps every 90 Secs x 6 Rounds Total.
***Heaviest as you can go
2A. Double KB Strict Press x 8, 6, 4, 2 reps x 4 rounds.
***Looking to INCREASE loading set from Week 1 and 2
2B. Weighted Pull Ups x 3-5 + BW x AMRAP on FINAL set x 4 rounds.
***For weighted Pull Ups, do only 3-5 reps, then on final set do bodyweight only for MAX reps
***Little to no rest between movements
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
3A. KB Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 reps / leg x 3 rounds.
3B. Steel Club Alternating Flg Press Lunge x 8 reps / Leg x 3 rounds.
***Do BOTH sides between moving to Pull Overs
3C. Steel Club Alternating Pull Overs x 60 secs x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
4A. Battle Rope – Recline Rope Climb x 3 rounds.
***Wrap your Battle Rope around a pole or tree
4B. 15 Burpee + Lateral Hops x 3 rounds.
***Little to no rest between movements
***60-90 secs rest between rounds
***Increase to 4 Rounds in Week 2
● Spend at LEAST 15-20 mins on mobility / soft tissue work (preferably MORE if you have the time).
● A light bike ride, swim, row, ect is totally fine.
● Nothing too intense.
Day 4
1A. Single Leg – Double KB Deadlift x 6 reps / Leg every 2 Mins x 12 Mins.
***Ascending loads if possible
1B. Burpee Broad Jump x 3 reps every 2 Mins x 12 Mins.
2A. Double KB Snatch x 6 reps x 5 rounds.
2B. Deficit HSPU @ 3-6 Inch x submax x 5 rounds.
***Regress to normal HSPU or Pike Press if need be
***Little to no rest between movements
***90-120 secs rest between rounds
3A. Double KB Outside Swings x 15 reps x 3 rounds.
3B. Steel Club 2-Hand Side Swing x 15 reps / Side x 3 rounds.
4A. Double KB “Beast Builder’s” 6 Min AMRAP.
***Click HERE For DEMO
Day 5 – Sprint / Core Day (Optional)
1A. Sprinter’s Warm Up
2A. Ascending Sprint-Shuttle Ladder x 5 Rounds.
***Sprint Down and back at each distance listed
***Rest only 45-60 secs between reps (or more to maintain intensity level
● 20 Yards
● 40 Yards
● 60 Yards
● 80 Yards
● 100 Yards
● 80 Yards
● 60 Yards
● 40 Yards
● 20 Yards
***Preferably do this on a football field for yard markers
3A. KB OH Carry x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
3B. KB Rack Carry x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
3C. KB Farmer Walk x 50 yards x 3 rounds.
***Switch arms and repeat on the other side
OR… you can choose to move Day 5 to either of these days if you decide to rest and extra day during the week.
Week 7…
Now it’s time to reveal the BADASSness you’ve created and more importantly, have EARNED…
Show the friend that said it couldn’t be done “outside of a gym” what you’ve been able to forge together.
Show off the new strength, speed, power, and athleticism you’ve built.