Within the realm of the superhero world, one of the most vital areas that separate the mighty from meek is the chest. We have seen over decades many varieties, methods, periodizations, etc. that have aided in helping many achieve a certain look when it comes to building chest.
One of the steps that I feel is missing has finally been solved with my training solution, the Earthquake Bar! This bamboo bar is able to hold nearly 300 lbs. from it while performing a variety of exercises. Before I gloat too much about this training tool, let me discuss why I have incorporated it into my clients and my own training.
As I’ve trained over the course of time, I have tried many different methods with chest training. I focused on specifically on a certain aesthetic look, the rate of strength increase, and the rate of power elevation.
I achieved this aesthetic look with specific training methods myself and my business partner have developed over the course of time when preparing actors to look a certain way for an upcoming roles.
The strength and power goals were a little different and more challenging. What you normally see in a basic method of building a bigger, stronger chest is a certain amount of sets x reps calculated off a percentage of 1RM.
Though this is a correct route when attempting to achieve strength and power, there was a piece missing of vital importance.
Anatomy of a Chest Workout
We understand that muscle can grow at a rapid rate based on following specific guidelines and training regiments, but the one thing that most deal with when achieving this is a higher potential of tendon and ligament soreness, since these two strengthen at a much slower rate. What I have found to be the secret to rapidly transforming, not only the aesthetic look, but strength and power gains is incorporating movements that stimulate the tendons and ligaments as well as the muscles at work. The Earthquake bar was the answer I was looking for.
As I mentioned earlier, this bar can hold nearly 300 lbs of load, which should comfort many with its durability under use. I attach kettlebells to the bar that hang by super-bands. Not only will this stimulate tendon and ligament strength to increase, it will also engage more muscle fibers within the chest!
Due to the foreign and unbalanced environment of this training tool, a greater percentage of the muscle fibers within the pectorals major/minor, anterior deltoids, triceps, forearms, as well as every tendon and ligament surrounding those joints are engaged. In return, you will achieve and better aesthetic look, a greater rate of increased strength, and power, which is what a Superhero possesses!
Doug Hall’s Superhero Chest Workout
A1: Incline Bench Press: 5 rounds x 15 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
B1: Flat Bench Press w/Pulse Rep: 5 rounds x 20 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps
B2: Earthquake Bar Bench Press: 5 rounds x 10 reps w/20KG Kettlebells
C1: Incline Dumbbell Presses: 5 rounds x 10 reps
C2: Broad Pulse Push-Ups: 5 rounds x max reps
D1: Earthquake Bar Incline Bench Press: 4 rounds X 10 reps
D2: Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly (85% ROM from deepest position up): 4 rounds x 15 reps