Your excuses are running out… At the touch of a finger, you are able to learn about a train- ing method that interests you. You can drive down to the nearest gym and join. You can hire the greatest trainer in the world. You can find the most cutting edge way to workout. There is only one problem that gets in your way of training: DOING IT!
Yes, that’s right, are you guilty of reading about training over and over again and not getting your ass up to get it done! You make up every excuse in the book for why you can’t fit it in your schedule! The ACT of training is the easiest PART of training. The hardest part begins in your mind; getting yourself up to actually do it. Mentally preparing yourself is where the magic hap- pens. Put the excuses of a busy schedule, fatigue, and life-hitting-you-like-a-ton-of-bricks aside.
I began training people while getting my degree in kinesiology when I was 19. Now, 14 years later, after a bit of trial and error and after working with thousands of people, I finally discovered what it takes to get people motivated and stay motivated. The art of getting someone to show up is no walk in the park; I’ve heard every excuse in the book. Trainers and moms are able to come up with the best excuses, and believe me, they can be very relevant. In fact, I’m guilty of making up my own excuses, we all are, aren’t we? Well, not anymore. It’s time to learn how to get your ass up and do it.
Motivation Tip #1: Make Yourself a Priority.
Come to your senses and realize that you are important. Without your health and happiness, everyone around you will end up suffering. If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for your loved ones. You aren’t being kind by putting yourself last. In fact, you are killing yourself early. Lead he way by showing everyone that taking care of yourself is a priority.
Motivation Tip # 2: Everyone Has 10 Minutes!
But I truly don’t have the time,” is what you say to yourself. If you have 10 minutes to check your Facebook then you clearly have 10 minutes to train. Not having the time is a bullshit excuse. Training doesn’t have to be a big, long complicated procedure; there are endless 10 minute workouts with bodyweight that can get the job done wherever you are. If you have access to a kettlebell, you have even more possibilities open to you. Get over the time factor and JUST DO IT!
Motivation Tip #3: Make it Happen!
If you are the type of person who has every intention of training and at the end of the day you don’t have the energy to do it, it’s time to shift your schedule around. You may be the type of person who will need to wake up early and workout first thing in the morning. You may get very distracted as the day goes on and find every excuse of you need to delay it. If you are a master procrastinator then you will need to workout before the day starts.
Motivation Tip #4: Find a Training Partner or Hire a Trainer.
When you put your money down and have the appointment, your chances of sticking to it significantly increase. Of course, you have to live with the person you are working with and understand the value of the service.
If you don’t like the person you are training with or you don’t feel good afterwards, don’t throw all training down the tubes, shop around. Ask other people what they are doing. Surely you will find a place or a person that accommodates your needs. Just remember, you still have to want it.
Motivation Tip #5: Join a Fitness Group or Class.
If you’re financially strapped and can’t afford private one-on-one training, group classes are the way to go. Even if you have tons of money, many people find group classes much more preferable due to the social aspect, as well as how you are pushed by your peers.
It just depends on the coach leading the class. If you have an incredible coach who is not only knowledgeable and motivating, the group will reflect the coach’s skill and enthusiasm. You may need to try a few different groups until you find the right fit for yourself.
Motivation Tip #6: The Dread of Feeling Like Shit from Not Training.
How often do you end up feeling lethargic and just plain shitty when you skip your training sessions? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that training relieves stress and releases endorphins to make life better; training is the medicine. We need to move; there is no way around it. Without it, 7you will feel like shit. You need to remember this feeling clearly in order to avoid it.
Motivation Tip #7: Share your Goals with the World.
Post your goals on your blog, facebook, and talk about it with as many people as possible. Once you have publicly announced that you are working towards a certain goal, you will be sure to achieve it. Going public will help you to stick to your guns. You may also have a fun club rooting you on!
Motivation Tip #8: Stop Being a Perfectionist.
You will always fail if what you have set out to achieve is unattainable. Be realistic and go for excellence. The losers in life are those who seek perfection and end up giving up. No one can be perfect. Get over yourself.
Motivation Tip #9: Music can be one of the Most Powerful Pieces to your Motivation.
Find songs that get you up and make you want to get moving. Maybe it’s music that moves you to dance, run, or lift hard. Whatever that may be, keep it at your finger tips for those days where you are struggling to get off your ass!
Motivation Tip #10: Measurable Goals.![Lauren Brooks says Shut Up and Train!]()
Having real life goals will be a motivating factor and help you stick to your training schedule. I have found that training for pure weight loss isn’t the best way to keep someone motivated.
The scale goes up and down due to hormones, sleep cycles, nutrition, and so forth. The scale can deter you to train less at times.
Working towards mastering a pull up or learning a new skill, whether it be boxing, kettlebell swings, or deadlifts, will make you much more focused.
When you become proficient at a skill or a strength goal you’ve been working towards, the confidence that comes with meeting those goals becomes addicting; it will keep you motivated and wanting more.
Motivation Tip #11: Find what You Enjoy Doing.
Personally, I lift heavy because I enjoy having a strong body which allows me to be healthy and look good AND keeps me in optimal shape for the activities I love doing. I don’t necessarily love performing double front squats, but I love the strength it has provided me.
I also love that I couldn’t use the weight I am currently using when I was in my 20’s. I know squatting is a movement pattern that you absolutely need in life to sustain great mobility and strength. To see some real life examples of why everyone should lift heavy things, take a look here.
Motivation Tip #12: If you Hate it, Don’t Do it!
I can’t tell you how many people come to me telling me how much they hate running and they do it because it’s the only way they know how to keep their weight off. There are plenty of other ways to train that allow you to get to your goals of health and happiness. I may be biased, but I have found that the combination of (1) moderate to heavy strength training, (2) ballistic drills with bodyweight, and (3) kettlebells is by far the most efficient, accessible, and enjoyable way to get you to the lifestyle that you dream of.
If this does not suit you, surely there must be some activity that gets you off the couch: dancing, walking along the beach, swimming, bike riding, yoga, etc. If you have a love for something that gets you moving, choose it.
Motivation Tip #13; Don’t Make Excuses!
There are too many reasons why it’s just plain stupid not to train. If you can find time to take a shower a few times a week, then treat your training the same. If you don’t shower or train your body like you should, no one will want to be around you. In fact, you may not even want to be around yourself. Hope I’ve driven my point home of why you should drop the excuses, get motivated, and SHUT UP AND TRAIN!