The first Juggernaut Kettlebell Workout involves challenging kettlebell strength sets and a high intensity conditioning circuit. The strength sets require a lot of grip strength and upper body work while the two exercise finsiher requires full body endurance. This kettlebell workout is part of the Juggernaut Kettlebell Workout Plan.
Workout Instructions:
Perform Set A and B as individual sets, resting 60 seconds between each set of repetitions. Perform Set C as a circuit with no rest in between exercises and 60 seconds in between sets.
A: Pistol Grip Press – 3-5 x 5 reps
B: Anchored Cleans – 3-5 x 5-7 reps each side
C1: Double Unders – 3-5 x 30-60 secs
C2: Parallette Swings – 3-5 x 30-60 secs