Originally posted at Romanfitnesssystems.com.
A few months back, I posted a pic to my Instagram account that featured a small piece of my morning routine: drinking a glass of warm water mixed with lime juice and sea salt. (Outside of being tasty, it’s got a host of benefits.)
Since then, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about both that particular concoction, any others I drink, and about my morning routine in general.
I started writing it all out, but then I got lazy and stopped. And then today I looked in the mirror and realized I was having an incredible hair day, so I should just go ahead and film a video.
So, that’s what I did.
Which is to say that I’ve got a content-rich video for you detailing exactly what I put in my body each and every morning to help me stay healthy, fit, and keep my hair looking thick and luxurious.
This is worth thinking about. Morning routines, that is; not my hair.
So, check it out:
Products Mentioned

Articles Mentioned
Poliquin’s article on lime/salt/water
Benefits of warm lemon water (also here and here)
My article on greens
My thoughts on coffee
Though I think just about anyone can benefit from doing some (or all) of what I’m going to show you in the video, your morning routine doesn’t have to mirror mine; that’s not the point. The point is to encourage you to cultivate your own routine, whatever that might be.
Figure out what works best for you, and what you are going to benefit the most from. And, more practically, figure out what you’re actually going to do with a high level of consistency.
Establishing a routine is something that I encourage all of my coaching clients to do. Sometimes with the protocols I talk about in the video, and sometimes with a specific morning exercise routine (more on this to come this week).
Along those lines, I do want to mention something that I offer an innovative coaching program that costs less than a personal trainer in your local gym (who is probably not as good looking as I am) you can become an online coaching client. (You can apply here).
I only take on new clients about 4-5 times per year, so hurry and sign up now.
Aaaanyway, right now, the video is the most important thing. So, if you didn’t click play, please do so and give it a quick watch. If you don’t have a morning routine, start making some notes and putting one together; we’d love to hear about it.
If you do have a current morning routine, please post below and let us know your thoughts.
SO: Do you have your own routine? Are you gonna jack mine?
Gimme all the deets, and please share this around!