The Onnit 6 Bodyweight program, a six-week workout plan you can do at home, is now free for doctors and nurses. This is our way of showing appreciation for the frontline healthcare workers who have responded so bravely to the Coronavirus pandemic.

At Onnit, we believe that the best way to achieve any goal is to recognize that the body, mind, and spirit are intertwined. Improvement in one area, specifically, will bring progress universally, while a deficiency in anything will hold back everything. If you want to lose 20 pounds, you can’t ignore the mindset that led to your gaining unwanted weight in the first place. Likewise, if you’re a mother who wants to raise the healthiest, happiest children she can, you have to consider the role exercise must play in your own life to help you manage stress, maintain your health, and set a positive example for your kids.
For the doctors and nurses working so heroically to save lives in hospitals across the country to perform at their peak—as well as maximize their own health under these trying circumstances—exercise and good nutrition are vital.
Much research has shown that when a person is vigorously active and in shape, he/she maintains a stronger immune system, in addition to greater mental acuity and physical endurance. Fitter healthcare providers make for a more resilient force on the front lines of this global crisis. For this reason, we’re giving the Onnit 6 Bodyweight program to these workers absolutely free.
What Is The Onnit 6 Bodyweight Program?
The Onnit 6 Bodyweight program is a five-star fitness plan that goes for six weeks. It requires only your bodyweight (no strength training equipment necessary), so it can be done in the comfort of your own home, and aims to improve total-body strength, stability, and conditioning. It can help promote better movement skills, fat loss, and aid in correcting the muscle imbalances that are at the root of common aches and pains. Since its launch in 2018, O6 Bodyweight has sold more than 16,000 units.

The Onnit 6 Program includes:
· 4 resistance training/metabolic conditioning sessions and 2 non-traditional yoga workouts per week.
· A variety of fun, challenging training methods—including Tabata, EMOM, and circuit training—that leave you looking forward to each workout.
· 3 levels of progression for every exercise, so you can easily scale and customize each workout based on your ability level and experience.
· Video instruction from Onnit Chief Fitness Officer John Wolf; you’ll feel like you’re getting personal coaching from one of the best trainers in the world.
· Delicious, diet-friendly recipes and nutrition tips.
· Mindset strategies from Onnit Founder Aubrey Marcus himself.
Note: The program is only free to US Healthcare providers with an NPI, including those with an MD, DO, NP, PA, and DDS. All applicants will be verified by
Not a medical professional but know someone who is? Don’t let them miss this opportunity! Send them a link to this page now.

Here’s How to Get O6 Bodyweight for Free
Step 1. Click on Shop in the menu above.
Step 2. Under the Fitness drop-down menu, find “Onnit 6 – Bodyweight,” and add it to your cart.
Step 3. Go through checkout, and on the Payment page, click the link for “Military, first responder, and medical discounts.”
Step 4. Verify your identity as a nurse or medical professional via Upon successful completion, you’ll be redirected back to your cart.
The Onnit 6 Bodyweight product in your cart will change to FREE, as long as your account hasn’t purchased Onnit 6 Bodyweight before. Complete your checkout. O6 Bodyweight will be added to your account’s Digital Library.