The Barbell Deadlift is a classic strength movement that should find its place in most every strength program. The barbell allows for ease of increasing loads incrementally and for the ability to incorporate loads that are much higher than what would be reasonable with any other tool.
Exercise Steps
Step 1: Set up to with feet hip width apart standing next to loaded barbell shins close to touching the bar.
Step 2: Keep the shoulders back chest open as you pull your hips back and reach down for bar
Step 3: Firmly grasp the bar maintaining a neutral spine and build tension before the lift
Step 4: Press feet down into the ground and maintain structure as you stand tall and finish with hips extended. Reverse motion minimizing tension to bring the bar back to the ground.
Tips & Safety: With larger loads particularly…this drill should be more about the lift and not focus on the negative. This will allow for more repetitions with less fatigue of the lower back and therefore reduce the likelihood of low back injury.