Exercise Summary
The Alternating Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunge is a surprisingly difficult drill that does more than simply challenge your legs. Thanks to the double kettlebell Rack Position, you’ll be engaging your core and upper body just as much, if not more, than your legs with each rep. This exercise is used in a Rites of Passage test.
Exercise Steps
Step 1: Rack the kettlebells and stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
Step 2: Seeking to keep the kettlebell as close to your chest as possible, helping you to maintain a vertical spine, step back with one foot and place it firmly on the ground behind you.
Step 3: Once you step back, keep your hips squared and drop your back knee towards the ground, trying to keep a straight line between your back knee, hips, and shoulder. Step back into the starting position and proceed with the other leg.
Tips & Safety: Remember to control your breathing; the rack position will put increased pressure on your chest, making steady breathing slightly more difficult.