When learning how to fight, it is important to condition your body to create good habits.
It is said that it takes 1,000 reps to build a habit, so continuous practice is extremely important when learning how to fight… especially with a new technique.
Today, I am going to take you through a great conditioning drill that implements good technique, if it is performed correctly of course.
This is the Combo Conditioning Pyramid using the #2 combo.
It is a pyramid set using the #2 combo, with up to 5 movements with 2 slips in between.
In the Bang Muay Thai system a #2 combo is a jab-cross combo.
Combo Conditioning Pyramid Steps
Step 1: Start by throwing a jab-cross combo or a #2 in the may thai system.
Step 2: Once you perform this combo, your mit holder will slip to your right and left.
Step 3: After the slip, reset and perform the #2 combo, 2 times in a row.
Step 4: Make sure your mit holder is counting the cross each time, so you can keep track.
Step 5: Keep pyramiding this combo up to 5. It will look like this:
- 2, slip, slip
- 2,2, slip, slip
- 2,2,2 slip, slip
- 2,2,2,2 slip, slip
- 2,2,2,2,2, slip, slip
That is the pyramid of #2 up to 5 with two slips in between.