Summary The Battle Ring Assisted Single Leg Hinge is a great assistance drill for anyone wanting to learn a strong single leg deadlift movement pattern. The rings allow for some assistance but their unstable nature …
Onnit Academy’s Certifications provide a unique experience in the realm of fitnesseducation. They combine a foundational framework that opens your ability to plug the System into ANY fitness or training modality, with the in-depth …
Summary The Battle Rope Double Circular Pull Wave focuses on stabilizing the body after a full-body dynamic pull that simulates many other clean movements. Exercise Steps Step 1: Stand at the ends of and outstretched …
Summary This full-body exercise is a great alternative to engage the pulling musculature if there is no equipment available as all you need is some floor space. Exercise Steps Step 1: Start in a kneeling …
Summary The Battle Rope Hinged Pulse is built off of a static hinged position and utilizes short and sharp pulsing pulls with the arms to generate small but consistent waves through the duration of the …
Summary The Battle Rope Alternating Wave Squat takes the basic alternating wave and the bodyweight squat to a new level by combining them to challenge timing, balance and conditioning. This drill is best used for …
Summary The Steel Club Staggered Good Morning adds two variables to the bodyweight Good Morning drill. First is a staggered stance which biases the load onto one leg. This provides perspective on any asymmetry that …
Summary The Steel Mace Curl Grip Squat is a seemingly innocent exercise that offers the ability for just about anyone to gain stability and strength of the shoulder girdle and core. With one hand near …
Summary The Sandbag 2-Hand Snatch is a powerful exercise. The snatch builds explosive lower and upper body pulling power while simultaneously builds powerful, strong and flexible shoulders. A must for any athlete. Not only does it …
Summary The Atlas Lift builds tremendous core strength and power. Mimicking the strong man Atlas Stone Lift, the Sandbag Atlas Lift uses the same motion really focusing on the core, leg and upper body power. …
Summary The Battle Ring Lawnmower Row is a great drill for any athlete, martial artists, or anyone looking to increase their upper body and core strength. You will develop a strong hip and core rotational power …
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